Labour Day Celebration

Class 12C presented an assembly on the topic ‘Labour Day’, on 2 nd May. India celebrates Labour day on the 1st of May, every year. It is also observed as a national holiday in some places. The day is marked to give respect and love to all the workers around the world. The first Labour Day in India was celebrated in 1923. The Labour Kisan Party started observing Labour Day in Chennai, India, to bring about a change in the condition of labourers of India. On this day, they sought a resolution of their demands from the government. This helped in establishing an eight-working hours schedule for labourers and adequate wages. Our presentation tried to showcase the struggles of the working classes of the world. The working class should get better respect and admiration than is being given at present. We should honour our workers not just on this occasion but also on other important occasions, throughout the year. On this day, let us thank our glorious labour force for making our lives comfortable and in supporting and shaping our country.

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