MICRO OLYMPICS, the much awaited and Covid delayed Athletic cum Field Display Meet of Study Hall was held on Saturday, 10 December, 2022 at the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Gomtinagar.The meet was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Mr. Sanjay Kumar IPS, DIG, ITBP, Lucknow Sector who also took the salute of the impressive March Past by the students. The Mangalam by class 8 which was well appreciated was followed by the activities of the DOSTI students with encouragement from the cheerleaders and applause from the audience. In the display section Zumbaile by class 6 and Samagam by class 7 was highly acclaimed. The races drew great excitement amongst the children who vociferously cheered the participants. The agile and co-ordinated display by the young Gymnasts won the hearts of the audience. Jingling Cymbals by class 9 was followed by the Prize Distribution. The meet closed with a speech by the Chief Guest followed by the National Anthem.
The sports field has not just been about wins and losses but students have learnt the core values of discipline, cooperation, coordination and tolerance.

They have also learnt the lessons of being perfect democratic citizens by showing grace and forbearance even if not having secured a place on the victory stand.

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