World Bicycle Day

The World Bicycle Day was celebrated on the 3rd of June, 2022 by the children of Junior School, Study Hall with great enthusiasm. An interactive session was conducted on Zoom, since the summer vacations are going on, by the teachers of Classes 1 to 5, highlighting the importance of using the bicycle as a means of transport.

The idea behind the World Bicycle Day is to recognize the versatility and uniqueness of the bicycle, as well as its reliability and sustainability as a mode of transportation.

The session began with a discussion on several topics like….the benefits of riding a bicycle, how the children learnt to ride a bike, did they give up riding after a fall, or were they motivated to try once again. The names of several brands of bicycles, their factories as well as their owners were also discussed. What made the session so special was that each child had an interesting anecdote to share with the class.

A PPT on the World Bicycle Day helped them to understand the benefits of cycling. A video of the celebration by Indian cyclists on 2021 World Bicycle Day was shared with the class. This too led to a thought provoking discussion among the children. They enumerated ways in which we could make our environment pure and clean. They also took a pledge to save our planet, Earth from the ill effects of pollution.

The children enjoyed making a badge for the World Bicycle Day. With great enthusiasm, they clicked pictures and made videos of themselves enjoying a biking experience with their family members.

Study Hall Alumni Forum

Dear Study Hall Alumni,
We are sure that you are all doing well in your respective fields and some of you have established yourselves in various successful enterprises and business ventures.
With the intention of inspiring our current senior batches, we invite you all to share your success stories with us on the Study Hall Alumni Forum. Your active participation will keep you connected to your beloved Alma mater, as well as serve as a motivating force to our budding entrepreneurs who will soon follow your footsteps once they are out of school. Looking forward to have you on board soon.

Contact at :
studyhall1986@ gmail. com

Ph No: 9044062700

International Museum Day -2022

The International Museum Day was celebrated on the 18th of May, 2022 by the children of Junior School, Study Hall with great enthusiasm. The objective was to create awareness about the importance of museums in our lives. Several discussions were taken up in the class and the children understood the meaning of various terms related to museums, like artefacts, sculptures, abstract art, realistic pictures, illusion, etc.

The class discussions aroused a lot of curiosity in the children. Very eagerly, some of them shared their experiences about the different museums they had visited. The teachers had made some very interesting ppt’s which highlighted some very interesting facts about the museums. Many videos were shared in the class which took the children on a virtual tour of some of the most famous museums around the world.

‘The National Museum’ and the ‘Illusion Museum’ situated in New Delhi was of great interest to the young ones. They enjoyed the experience of visiting the museum right from buying the ticket to getting a guided tour from a guide who showed the various artefacts and shared brief information on each of them. The children were mesmerized to see the various illusions in the ‘Illusion Museum’. They were very happy and excited to share with their classmates, the different collectors’ items and coins that they possessed. Videos of virtual tours of the ‘National History Museum’ of London and the ‘Indian Rail Museum’ were also watched with great interest.  Their faces lit up with joy and they were very happy to share the information learnt, with their parents at home.

We are proud to mention here that they came up with several interesting questions that arose in their minds after visiting the museums virtually. We hope that they will continue to seek answers to their questions.

Labour Day Celebration

Class 12C presented an assembly on the topic ‘Labour Day’, on 2 nd May. India celebrates Labour day on the 1st of May, every year. It is also observed as a national holiday in some places. The day is marked to give respect and love to all the workers around the world. The first Labour Day in India was celebrated in 1923. The Labour Kisan Party started observing Labour Day in Chennai, India, to bring about a change in the condition of labourers of India. On this day, they sought a resolution of their demands from the government. This helped in establishing an eight-working hours schedule for labourers and adequate wages. Our presentation tried to showcase the struggles of the working classes of the world. The working class should get better respect and admiration than is being given at present. We should honour our workers not just on this occasion but also on other important occasions, throughout the year. On this day, let us thank our glorious labour force for making our lives comfortable and in supporting and shaping our country.

World Book Day and Copyright Day

‘I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.’
J. K. Rowling
From similar ideologies burgeoned the celebration of World Book Day and Copyright Day at Study Hall. At the very beginning, 23 April was marred by the fall of the bard of Avon, William Shakespeare. The Christopher Columbus of English literature, he shed a new light on plays and sonnets. Even though the world seems dimmer without his presence…we have embalmed his memory in a celebration of reading and writing. So, to inculcate positive reading habits in the citizens of the future, our school hosted a myriad of activities, through classes 6 to 12, to help each child find a haven in books…and realise they are ‘a form of uniquely portable magic’ as is rightly said by Stephen King.
Beverly Cleary once said, “If you don’t see the book you want on the shelf, write it.” This is the kind of enthusiasm reverberated within the students of Study Hall, through various holistic and interactive activities.
The classrooms were filled with picturesque soft boards and many other decorations that would make one be overcome with vellichor.
The chief attraction of the event was The Bibliolaters Hub where students made digitally drawn book covers. This gave them the experience of important literary life skills and taught them the importance of copyright and ISB codes. They learnt to create visually captivating book covers along with bewitching backstories.
The students also participated in ‘Book Reviews’,
‘Character Sketches’ and ‘Quotes. The book reviews covered books of several distinct genres, the character sketches discussed some of the most profound characters ever created, and lastly motivation filled the air with original quotes. The aesthete students in all classrooms decided to add their own little unique touch to truly prove what they’re capable of. The sight of the classrooms was no less than a reverie, decorated with outstandingly hand drawn art, book themed cakes, remarkable little book corners and so much more.
Alas, the joy of the event comes to a close, but not the spirit! We hope a positive impact will be forever visible in the reading habits of the young ones and the spark of literature always burns brighter and brighter!

Report on World Art Day

Students of Study Hall celebrated world Art Day on Saturday 16th April 2022 in our school.

Students of different grades were given varied Art activities like for class 6 – Expanding Horizons, class 7 – Border design, class 8 -Pot and Handi painting, class 9 – Collage work on Gender Equality, class 10 and 12 – Collage on War and Peace.

Students participated enthusiastically and come up with beautiful creations. It was a splash of colours all around. The event was a success as it brought out the creative side of all our students.

Orientation Class-1

The orientation began at 9.15am at the JuniorSchool A.C. Hall.

The meeting was presided by Bani aunty – Junior school headmistress and Meenakshi Bahadur aunty- Principal Study Hall School.

Bani aunty welcomed the parents.

Meenakshi Bahadur aunty  talked to the parents about the school’s vision and the pedagogy.

This was followed by Bani aunty’s introduction of the teachers of class 1.

Bani aunty asked the parents regarding their query about the transport services which was followedby a brief discussion on the same.

Dispersal of the parents took place at 9.50 to the respective sections of class 1   wherein – Classroom rules were discussed over tea and cookies.

The points of discussion taken up in the  class were regarding 

  • Attendance
  • Uniform
  • Star of the week activity
  • Punctuality
  • Security cheques from Prep school
  • Tiffin and Stationary
  • Checking the school diary daily and transport*
  • Distribution of only 2 sweets to each child on occasion of birthday celebration.
  • H.W to be done by the child and submitted the very next day.
  • Please follow the calling hours given by the respective class teachers.

Parent Orientation Class-4 & 5

An Orientation meeting was organized for the parents of classes 4 and 5 in the Junior A. C. Hall on the 18th of April, 2022. The Principal, Mrs Meenakshi Bahadur and the Head Mistress of Junior School, Mrs Bani Malhotra shared the vision of SHEF with the parents. The teachers introduced themselves to the parents and reminded them of the rules and regulations of the school. They also informed them about the subjects that they would be teaching in the current session. The parents were made aware of the different ways in which the topics would be taught through interesting activities.

The queries of the parents were well addressed by the Meenakshi Aunty and Bani Aunty. The parents enjoyed the tea and snacks served to them during the session.

Parent Orientation Class-3

An Orientation meeting for the parents of classes 2 and 3 was organized in the Junior A. C. Hall on the 12th of April, 2022. The Principal, Mrs Meenakshi Bahadur and the Head Mistress of Junior School, Mrs Bani Malhotra convened the meeting and shared the vision of SHEF with the parents. The teachers introduced themselves to the parents and reminded them of the rules and regulations of the school. They also informed them about the subjects that they would be teaching in the current session.

It was an interactive session where all the queries of the parents were addressed by the Meenakshi Aunty and Bani Aunty. The parents enjoyed the lemonade served to them. The session ended with tea and snacks being served to all. 

Parent Orientation Class-2

The  orientation of the Parents of class 2 students ,of Study Hall School was held on the 12th of April 2022.

It was addressed by the Principal Mrs.Meenakshi Bahadur, The Junior School Headmistress Mrs.Bani Malhotra and the Teachers of Class II.

Mrs. Meenakshi Bahadur welcomed the parents and introduced them to the policies, developments and achievements of the school. She also briefed the parents about the vision and mission of our CEO Dr. Urvashi Sahni whose guidance and vigilance has made Study Hall School  a Universe of care and power house of innovation.

The Parents had a lot of queries regarding the fee structure , the safety measures taken by the school and the School bus services. All the queries were attended to and answered by the Principal Mrs. Minakshi Bahadur and the Headmistress Mrs Bani Malhotra.

Mrs Bani Malhotra introduced the teachers .The parents were very happy to meet them and were surprised with the years of teaching experience each one had.

The Orientation lasted for 1 hour in which the parents were very happy to know about the school and its functioning and  that the children  were in safe hands and would be regularly coming to school.

The Headmistress Mrs Bani Malhotra concluded the programme with a vote of thanks