Inter-house music competition held at Study Hall

‘Music begins where the possibilities of language end’ – Jean Sibelius. Realizing the significance of music in a student’s life, Study Hall School organized the inter-house western music competition 2019-20. The students of classes 6th– 8th to showcased their talent. All the four houses competed under the venerable judgement of Mr Nitesh Tiwari, Mr Niraz Ahmed and Mr Piyush Sood. Melody, coordination, clarity, diction, and confidence formed the basis of their judgement. The houses performed songs which pertained to the genre-country. The songs performed by the houses were I’ll Fly Away by Alison Krauss and Gillian Welsh – Jacaranda, Mean by Taylor Swift -Cypress, Country Roads by John Denver – Fireflame and I’ll Wait For You by Mumford and Sons – Silver Oak.

Silver Oak and Fireflame shared the first spot with Cypress and Jacaranda closely trailing behind at second and third positions respectively.The show concluded with the resonance and tremolo of Mandolin, coming in from Mr. Miraz Ahmed’s side and proved to be the icing on the cake.



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