World Television Day -2024

The World Television Day which falls on 16th November every year, was celebrated by the children of Junior School, Study Hall with great enthusiasm. A Special Assembly was conducted by the students of Class 5, highlighting the importance of the power of this great invention. We are proud to mention here that the children put in a lot of hard work to make this Assembly a resounding success.

The programme began with a prayer which was followed by a playlet on the theme, ‘Television – Then and Now’. A few children delivered speeches highlighting the importance of the television in our daily lives. The poem Television, written by Roald Dahl was recited by the children. A Power Point Presentation made by the children, on several interesting facts about the invention of the television was played. 

The highlight of the programme was the Talk Show in which the parents and grandparents interacted with the children. They were filled with nostalgia as they took us down the memory lane, back to their childhood before the television had been invented. They were delighted to share their words of wisdom with the children.

The programme concluded by our Headmistress, Bani Aunty reminding the children to watch the television for a limited period of time and also to choose the content wisely.

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